Week 6- Cordon Bleu

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, Today we will be making some scrumptious cordon bleu and cubed red potatoes, this meal comes from Sweden, which I had no idea, but anyway, my parents have been making this since I was around like 6 so I always enjoy it. First, the ingredients, chicken breast, ham and fresh mozzarella cheese for stuffing the cordon bleu, red potatoes, Bread crumbs and mayonnaise for breading the chicken, butter, paprika, and all of the basic seasonings salt, pepper, and onion powder. Ingredients. Alright, now it's almost time to cook! But first the tools, for this meal you will need a very "fun" tool called a meat tenderizer, it's basically a hammer for meat but you need this to make the chicken flat so you can stuff it. Now it is time to cook!! Prep And cooking of potatoes The first thing you are going to want to do is to preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Now you are going to want to cut all of your potatoes into cubes, b...