Hello everybody, and welcome back to my blog as always I'm your host Anthony Foraker and today I'll be telling you all about the wonder or making risotto and pork chops. Risotto is an Italian dish that uses special rice called arborio rice, along with risotto arborio rice is usually used for rice pudding. For this meal, I once again employed my mom for all of her cooking knowledge. Now let's get into the recipe.
All the ingredients. |
For this meal, you will need arborio rice, pork chops (thin o thick cut it doesn't matter, cooking time varies), 1 red pepper(or any color), minced garlic, 2 32 ounce cartons of chicken broth, salt(because what doesn't use salt), onion powder, butter, and 1 can of artichoke hearts. and a little lemon juice.
Artichokes and lemon juice. |
Before we start this mouth-watering journey I should really explain the use of artichokes and lemons inside of the risotto. When my family originally started making risotto and pork chops we just made the risotto plain with no vegetables or any extra flavor, so recently whenever we make risotto we always make it in different ways except for of course our signature way the one with cheese and peppers, we always make this one it like ou old faithful.
Here is how you start the meal, first you want to take your pork chops brine for at least 30 minutes for the thin cut ones and for the most flavor overnight for the thick-cut ones. To prepare a brine it's actually quite easy all it is is salt and water, a lot of salt.
Pork chops in a brine. |
After you get done with your brine you should start with the broth. For the broth what you want to do is empty both of the chicken broth cartons into a big pot on medium-high heat and let it boil, while it is getting ready to boil you want to add your minced garlic(1 tbs) and your onion powder(1 tbs) you want to mix this and let it sit until the mixture boils. after you finish with the broth you want to make sure you start cutting your pepper finely into little squares. Prepare your pepper and cheese risotto pot by adding 1 tbs of cooking oil onto the pot and putting the stove on medium heat and add peppers, for the artichoke and lemon risotto do the same just don't add peppers. For the pc(pepper and cheese risotto) you should start stirring and sauteing the peppers after they start sauteing add 1 cup of arborio rice and begin to stir for 2 minutes letting the rice toast, after this, you grab yourself a ladle and scoop a little of the broth you have boiling into the rice. Now keep in mind this is not an easy laid back dish this is a basic arm workout, you have to continuously stir for about 20 minutes. you want to do the same thing for the al risotto(artichoke and lemon) with just rice though. for both risottos you will stir until your rice gets dry then you will add a little broth until the rice stops absorbing the liquid. Once this happens you want to take the pc risotto off but for the al risotto you add the artichoke hearts and a squirt of lemon juice and stir, take off the heat after 3 minutes.
The pots for this meal. |
stirring the risotto. |
pork chops cooking. |
Now it is time for my favorite part, the pork chops when you take the risotto off of the heat you need to put the heat on medium-high and add butter to the pan, season with onion powder and black pepper cook for 3 minutes on each side if the porkchop is thin and if the pork chop is thicker 5-8 minutes until the meat is at approximately 145 degrees Fahrenheit. let rest for three minutes and serve.
Well its been fun but its time for me to end this blog, I hope you learned something and have a great day. Byeeeee.
finished product. enjoy! |
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