Hi, welcome back to the blog I'm Anthony your host and today I will be telling you all about my experience of making Pollo guisado, which means stewed chicken in Spanish. For this meal, I have employed my mom as the resident cooking expert for some help making this dish (this was kind of important because she knows the recipe and I don't). All ingredients needed to make this meal, except the secret one that you will see later. For this meal, you will need, rice, sazón, tomato sauce, chicken thighs, onion powder, red potatoes(or white either works), cooking oil, sofrito, and today's new ingredient, Adobo. Adobo, a mixture of dried herbs. Here is how you make the rice, get a medium pot and a big pot one for the rice and one for the chicken and potatoes, add 4.5 cups of water to the pot(for three cups of rice) and put it on medium heat until the water starts to boil. Add salt(3/4 tbs) and add oil(1/2 tbs) until you see bubbles in the water, add the rice and Stir, ...
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