
Showing posts from October, 2019

Week 6- Cordon Bleu

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, Today we will be making some scrumptious cordon bleu and cubed red potatoes, this meal comes from Sweden, which I had no idea, but anyway, my parents have been making this since I was around like 6 so I always enjoy it. First, the ingredients, chicken breast,  ham and fresh mozzarella cheese for stuffing the cordon bleu, red potatoes, Bread crumbs and mayonnaise for breading the chicken, butter, paprika,  and all of the basic seasonings salt, pepper, and onion powder. Ingredients.    Alright, now it's almost time to cook! But first the tools, for this meal you will need a very "fun" tool called a meat tenderizer, it's basically a hammer for meat but you need this to make the chicken flat so you can stuff it. Now it is time to cook!! Prep And cooking of potatoes The first thing you are going to want to do is to preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Now you are going to want to cut all of your potatoes into cubes, be

Week 6 check-in

Hi everybody, Welcome back to my blog This week I will be making some delicious cordon bleu and cubed potatoes.  This is a swiss meal but we decided a while ago that we would try and make it and it turns out that we really liked it, this dish consists of chicken, ham, mozzarella cheese, and the potatoes for the side dish. If you want to know how to make it tune in this weekend. Ps. I have decided that I like the new format I used to write my last blog so i will keep writing it like that.

Week 5- Tiger Shrimp and Tostones

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, if you are new I'm Anthony And this is my 20-times project. Today we are going to learn how to make tiger shrimp and tostones (smashed and fried plantains.) For this recipe, I went down to my grandma's house to learn all about how to make this. First, the ingredients, Depending on how many people you have you will want that many plantains     (the things that look like bananas) a few bags of colossal tiger shrimp and for the special dipping sauce later you will need cocktail sauce( any generic kind will do), horseradish sauce, and minced garlic. now since you are going to fry the plantains you will need any vegetable oil for the frying. and for the seasonings, you will need salt as always and old bay seasoning. ingredients. Now, this is what I meant by I was going to try and implement a new style of writing this blog, I want to try and make it more professional so that is what I am going to do. Now the first step is going

Week 5 check-in

Hello everybody and welcome back to the blog, I hope you are having a great day. Now let's get down to business, this week im going to my grandma's house so you already know there is going to be some good food, we will be making tiger shrimp and tostones, which are just fried plantain. This week im going to be trying a new format for my blog. Stay tuned and enjoy the rest of your day.